This websites seems to be not working. All those of you who have come looking for this information, please scroll through the comments after the posts, too. Some of the startups, dealing with PNR prediction have left the links to their respective websites, and those might help you.
[With this post, I am going to add a new category called ‘technology’ to this blog. All travel related tech-discoveries go here. You are welcome to send your suggestions for the category.]
How many times have you booked train-seats with high, triple digit wait-listed ticket and lost sleep over whether or not would you get through? Or worse, how many times have you booked train-seats with high, triple digit wait-listed ticket and are greeted by a not-so-packed train and wondered what the hoopla was about?
Travel related uncertainties bring helplessness and anxiety by truck-loads. I know this because I go through this kind of anxiety at least 4-5 times a month and that is how I discovered this tech-related-awesomeness!
How many of you know about pnr.me?
I am very kicked about sharing my experience of the website. I discovered it some six months ago, purely by chance. I have been using it (and contemplating whether it is worth a write-up or not) since then.
It is a website that aides rail-related travel in India, for free.
My Experience:
I have used it 11 times and have found it to be reliable every time, except on two occasions. Once, when it advised that I do not go ahead with my bookings, but I did because my intuition said so and thankfully managed to get a reserved seat. Another time, when it said that if I book, I’ll get the confirmed reservation, but in reality I did not. I was lucky to be travelling with friends then and shared the seat with them.
So how do we know what is this site good for?
Go ahead, if:
you wish to figure out whether or not should you go ahead with a booking. This information would need the data pertaining to the train and journey.
you wish to predict the final charting status from your PNR No. After you have reserved your seat and have a wait-listed ticket, there is nothing much that you can really do about it, except, if the need arises, get it cancelled in time.
you wish to know the current status of the ‘waiting-list’ in a particular train, on a particular date.
Get the station-wise schedule of a train.
Be careful about the fact that:
The coolest thing about the website? That it has a tab called ‘prediction-accuracy’, which is almost like a report-card for this application/website. Have a look at it before you make your final decision.
You can direct all your love/hatred for the website to- contact@pnr.me. Or share your experience as comments here.
I’ll be glad if this tool helps you plan your train -journeys better 🙂
See you, guys!
nice piece of info…
quite useful 🙂
Thanks so much, Dhawal! 😀
Thanks for stopping by. 🙂
Liked your post here. If you liked pnr.me, you would definitely love trainman.in , a recently launched site that does something similar (and probably more that that) , with a much better interface. Also, the report card that you talked about also seems much better for trainman (though it is not published yet on the site, but it’s clearly there on the facebook page . Sorry if this comment appears as an advertisement post (please ignore in that case), but our main purpose is to spread the awareness about trainman. Have a look at it and let us know your feedback.
Sure! I will have a look at it. 🙂
We were doing this analysis for the past 2 years and after so much analysis we released our website
you will love this .
Sure! I’ll have a look. Thanks. 🙂